> About Us > Greeting


We sincerely thank you for visiting our website.
Based on head quarter’s ( FM Systeme GmbH, Germany ) 35 years accumulated experience in the logistics industry with 30 years skilled manufacturing knowledge at Korea, we have supplied the materials for logistics since our establishment “FM Systeme Korea Ltd.” in 2019 and started to produce and deliver the materials for Pipe racking system ( pipes and joints ) to domestic and foreign markets with the excellent quality, competitive price and on time delivery.

We, once again, would like to express our sincere thanks to all our customers who supported and encouraged us. All our staff members will do our best to create a better future as a leading company in the field of manufacturing logistic materials by assuring quality with a positive mind and conscientious behavior and creative posture but not satisfied with the current situation.

Kim Damhee
Representative Director of FM Systeme Korea Ltd.